Saturday 29 October 2011

Futsal Trick and Play

Try this Trick!!!! Have Fun
Videos presented are the means of how we played futsal. Such tricks often played futsal players on the court. In the videos we know how to avoid our opponents we catch the ball during the match. follow the trick is given.



Play Futsal - Tips & Tricks #1 from Play Futsal on Vimeo.


Play Futsal - Tips & Tricks #2 from Play Futsal on Vimeo.


Play Futsal - Tips & Tricks #3 from Play Futsal on Vimeo.

Patterns in Futsal Game

Playing futsal is not much different from playing football in general, need stamina strength and mental strategies. There is little fundamental difference in the game and setting the pattern of attacks.

The pattern of play in a game dominated Futsal foot to foot, in an environment meant to survive and attack becomes much more with short passes, given the size of the field is smaller than a football field. With this pattern of skills and teamwork, especially in the treatment of the ball, feeding, maintaining the defense and attack the opponent's necessary. In Futsal rarely applied to large runs, this strategy is a waste of energy, and also does not reflect a good game and nice views. However, instead of being prohibited or not recommended, stay behind the person himself, like how to play the game of Futsal.

The rarity of these techniques applied, it is harder to create a beautiful pattern of the game, nice views and a beautiful goal. Similarly headed the ball, the goals could be established with the head looks good and nice to see, especially if the attack was a structured attack plans. Well now live how to make a plan and play a good strategy, so there was definitely some things that are the main focus in creating a good game pattern.

1. Sovereignty of the ball.

To train the control of the ball in the first stage is to focus on strength and flexibility in movement of the foot, as explained in Article Tips warming up before playing futsal, heating is necessary to do so as often as possible to harmonize dribling the movement of the foot and the ball may be a variant of the zig-zag.

2. Players composition.

To form a good team, look at the ability of each player in control of the ball, setting up attacks and menyerang.Tempatkan players who have modeled the movement of the foot meeting as a defender, met here means traffic model does not very long legs, may be more useful to inhibit the rate of motion of the ball of the opponent, and vice versa on the type of player movement over the length can be used as an attacker. To get an average figure that has the ability to adjust the attack and more preferred is the ability stamin excellent, considering the position lets you do and endure assault.

3. Technical standards and toys.

Number Futsal players can make 5 or 6 people, including the goalkeeper. The placement of players who fit depending on the nature and style of play each position will be more balance in defense and attack patterns, and for items that can be applied as follows.

Number of players 5 people:
Pattern 1-2-2

Number of players 6 people:
1. 1-2-1-2 pattern
For this pattern a goalkeeper people, 2 people left and right back, a midfielder and two strikers left and right. At the last position of all in his own area with the pattern:

Midfield playmaker who can lure the position of the two attackers, and the ball can, all three positions in the hole for the ball to find the target, the opponent will be played. Duty back left / right movement in addition to maintaining the opponent, there is a separation of duties to the dead ball territory when the ball is dead right and take the ball back, and vice versa, not their position. To focus on regional / territory to keep her. Although the problem of the attack and midfield for the defense, midfield and that helped a lot of stamina and skills that are more pronounced.

2. 1-2-3 Patterns
This pattern can be used to hold the position of two defenders and attackers are able to help, of course, the power of two cases not only protect the strong defender, but also the ability for that attack, the attacker is be free to drill through the opposing defense. This pattern is expected that more complex example of an attack.

3. 1-1-2-2 pattern

This model makes no hanging back position behind the two main actors, it's for the back so he could escape with a single, simple attack that can escape from the defensive midfield area. Control, which is owned by a single return, this truly exceptional, capable of playing ball and attacks opponents pergerankan, however it also has a strong physical, mangingat position between a single return in parallel with the midfield, in this position will be good race attack from the left or right, and of course cooperation and solidarity with the position, the quarterback is needed.

In this model, the location of the defense help right or left functionalized down to help a single return and from that position this wing must have a speed that must be done immediately behind the attack and defense.

In this model, dead ball left or right, then right onto the ball, which is each wing, not left to a single return, recalling when performed by a single return, if he does happening in the defense, the defensive position is vacant so afraid. Of all the models described above, generally used as the optimization of attack patterns or patterns to survive in a game itself, so that players can understand the strategy of the game and concentrate on the task of each player.

Rules of Games Part #5

Playing time

TIME FOR A TIME-OUT (waiting time)
Each team is entitled to time for time-out request for one minute in each round, the following conditions may be applied [/ li] [/ list] get-out time:
- The coach of the team is entitled to the timekeeper to time out to ask for a minute.
- Time-out for a minute at any time may be required, but only if the team keeps the ball (the ball).
- Timer can be allowed for time-outs when the ball is not in the game with a whistle or other audible signals differ from those used by the referees.
- Is given in time-out, the players must remain within the field. , In parallel with the seating and reserve team players - If during the break, they want to receive instructions from officials of the team can, in this way, only just on the field lines are carried out (line side). Officials, the statement should not be there in the box.
- Teams that are not time-out in the first half, in the second half of the team's only suitable for one-time time-out.

Rest period between rounds may not be longer than 15 minutes.


If the timer does not exist, the coach asked for time-out for the referee.

If the competition rules provide that an extension of the deadline at the end of normal time instead, then there is no time-outs during the extension (extra time) is.


The selection of the place decided by coin toss. The team that wins the toss decides which goal to attack fit into the first round.

Other teams in the first round occurred at the beginning of the game.

The team that coin to start the first kick in the second half of the game wins.

In the second half of the match the teams change places (bank) and attack the opponent's goal.

Kick off (kick-off)
Kick-off is a way to start the game:
- Corresponds to the beginning of the first round.
- After the target printed / created.
- At the beginning of the second half of the match.
- At the beginning of each period of extra time, if done.
- Targets can be printed / straight from the kick-off created.

- All players are in their own half. Opponents of the team carrying out the kick-off at least 3 m away from the ball until the ball is in play.
- The ball is placed dititik middle of the field.
- The referee gives a signal to the kick-off to start.
- At the beginning of the game kick-off a legitimate, if the ball is kicked and moves forward.
- Kicker must touch the ball a second time, until the ball has been touched / other players.
Once a team scores, which kick-started by the other team (Team opponent) did

VIOLATION sanctions
- If the kicker touches the ball touched a second time before it hits / from another player, then an indirect free kick to the opposing team, carried from the scene of the crime.
- If the offense by a player in the opposing penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line from the nearest place where the injury occurred did.
- For each violation of the kick-off procedure the kick-off

Dropping the ball is a way to start the game after a temporary suspension, dropping the ball is a way to continue the game, no more, because the ball was dead. Or the game was not stopped because the ball is not on the sideline or goal line or for any reason mentioned in the rules of the game.

A referee the ball fall into the place where the ball was interrupted at play when it into the box, which in this case he had the ball in the penalty area line, nearest the spot where the ball was when the game is stopped. The game begins again, or the ball is in play when the ball touches the ground.

VIOLATION sanctions
The ball was again / again dropped ..
- If the ball is touched by a player before the ball touches the ground surface (soil).
- When the ball leaves the playing field after contact with the ground without being touched by a player.

- Free kick awarded to the team last in his own penalty area, can be performed inside the penalty area from any point.
- Indirect free kick, the team attacker in the penalty area of ​​the opponent team, should the penalty area line at the narrowest point, where the offense was made / will happen.
- Dropping the ball to start the game in the penalty area, must be above the penalty area line at the narrowest point where the ball will be deemed made at the break.

RULE #10

About his ball-game
Ball out of play when:
- The whole ball passes the goal line, whether rolling or floating.
- The game the referee has been suspended.
- The ball touches the ceiling.

Ball in the game at any time if:
- The ball bounces off the goalpost or the crossbar and bounced into the field.
- The ball bounces / touch the referees, as they have one in the field.

If the game is played / took place in a hall and the ball inadvertently touched the ceiling, the game is in the back with a kick on, goes to the opponents of the team that last touched the ball. Occurs at a point on the line below the ceiling closest to where the ball touched it done.

Rule #11

GOAL signed goalkeeper
Unless otherwise specified by this rule, one can say when is the overarching goal, the ball crossed the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar, provided that the ball is not thrown, carried or driven deliberately by the hand of a player from the team of attackers, including goalkeeper.

The team that scored the number of goals during the game is the winner. If both teams scored the same or not printed / created goals, then the game declared a draw or tie.

For a game that ended in a draw, competition rules may state provisions that an extension of time or kicks from the penalty spot to have to determine the winner.

RULE #12

Misstep and faulty behavior
Direct free kick
Direct free kick to the opposing team if a player does one of the six types of violations below, with the observation of the referee and it is an act that is less careful to use harsh or excessive force:
- Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent.
- Or try to block the opponent's wedge.
- Crashing the opponent.
- Encourage your opponent, even with the shoulder.
- Hit or tried to hit the opponent.
- Encourage your opponents.

Direct free kick is also on the opposing team if a player does the following offenses:
- Holding an opponent.
- Spitting at an opponent.
- Implementation of a sliding tackle to try to steal the ball when the ball is driven / controlled by the enemy. With the exception of the goalkeeper pinaltinya own area and the condition that he not play carefully, rude, or with excessive force.
- Touching the opponent before, when you try to control the ball.
- Holding the ball intentionally with the exception of his own goalkeeper pinaltinya area.

Performed with a direct free kick from the spot where the violation occurred.

All violations mentioned is a collection of accumulated offenses.

Awarded a penalty when a player pinaltinya own field, no matter where the ball's position, but has until the ball or the ball is violated in the game of life.

Indirect free kick
Indirect free kick to the opposing team if a goalkeeper has made one of the following offenses:
- After releasing the ball from his hands he received from his teammates (with feet / hands), before he played the center line, or before or not touched by an opposing player was.
- Touch or possession of the ball with his hand as he deliberately returned to him by his teammates (back pass).
- Touch or possession of the ball with his hands after he receives the ball directly from kick-in conducted by his team mates.
- Touch or possession of the ball with the hands or feet, more than four seconds.

Indirect free kick to the opposing team, playing in place of the violation, if in the opinion of the referee, a player:
- Playing in a dangerous manner.
- By intentionally obstruct an opposing player's movement without the ball to him (which meant the ball is in play).
- Preventing the goalkeeper the ball from his hands.
- Perform other injuries that are not in Rule 12, which was where the game is finished to give a warning or remove a player to be mentioned.

Indirect free kick to the opposing team, from the place where the violation occurred. Unless there is in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest the place where the offense was done.

Yellow cards and red cards can only be displayed to the player or the (players) backup.

The referee has the power to decide disciplinary action, the players, from the day they entered the field, leave the pitch after the final whistle signals.

Violators will be ADVISED
A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card if it performs the following violations:
- Because of an unsportsmanlike act.
- Shows the difference in opinion by word or act cast that is not good.
- Fixed violated the rules.
- Slow down or stop when you restart the game.
- Out of order, to maintain a certain distance when you have finished corner kick, kick in, free kick or kick.
- Login or return the field without the referee's permission or in violation of a substitution process.
- By intentionally leaving the field without permission of the referee.

For each violation, and the opponent an indirect free kick is awarded, the city conducted on the occurrence of the violation. When this injury occurs in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest to the place where the injury was done, and in addition to the player a warning by showing a yellow card.

VIOLATION of players who exhibited CAN CAUSE
A player or substitute and shown the red card if he has one of the following offenses on display:
- The players play very hard.
- Players have a rough plot.
- Spitting at an opponent or another person.
- Block the opponent score a goal or a goalscoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball in a way that is not permitted in the regulations (this does not apply to the goalkeeper in his pinaltinya area).
- Fails the opposing player, the opportunity for a goal by forward towards the player's goal was. By offense punishable by a free kick or penalty kick.
- Remove the words that are offensive or word diatribe.
- You receive warnings (yellow cards), both in the same game.

DECISION and assertion
If a game is suspended for violation of the player No.6 or No.7, without violating other rules, then the game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team and a place where the first violation occurred. When this injury occurs in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest to the place where the injury occurred last done.

First A player by the referee (submit) are released is not running kepermainan come back, or sit dibangku player must leave the reserve and around the field. Reserve players can be spent in the field two minutes after his team mate, unless the opponent's goal, created before the two-minute period ended, and the players were permitted to enter legally represented by the timekeeper. In this case, the set of rules as follows:

If the game can be, there are 5 players against 4 players and teams with a larger number of players to score, then the team with only four players enter a fifth player -.
- If both teams play with four players and a goal, both teams keep playing the same amount.
- When in a game where there are 5 players against 3 players or 4 players play against 3 players and teams with a larger number of players to score, then the team with three players is to add just one player.
- If both teams with three players and a goal, both teams remain with the same number of players.
- If the team that scored one of the teams with fewer players is to continue the game without increasing the number of players.

Second Depending on the 12th of rules
The player may hand his / pass a ball to protect himself with his head (header on the ball with the head), with the chest or knee, and other means, provided that the ball hit the center line crosses (field) or have been affected is / touches or is played by opposing players.
But if done in the opinion of the referee, a player deliberately do the trick when the ball is in play to avoid this rule, the player was guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. The players are a warning and shows a yellow card and indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred in such circumstances, to do nothing, then if the goalkeeper touches the ball with the hand or not.
Avoid violations of the players in an attempt to use the provisions and meaning of Rule 12 requires.

Third Attack that may endanger the safety of the opponent, it must be a very rough player (must be punished as serious foul play) will be sanctioned.

4th Every act of pretending, in the field is to deceive the referee, must be regarded as unsportsmanlike conduct (to be sanctioned as unsporting behavior) will be sanctioned.

5th Players take off the T-shirt / shirt when celebrating a goal should be a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct (Use caution for unsporting behavior) was added.

Rules of Games Part #4



Judge Authority
Each game draws a judge who has full authority to support the rules of the game in the game, where he was assigned to it, from the time he entered until he left the field.

Powers and duties of a judge
- Hold fast rules of the game.
- Allow the game to continue when the offense was committed on one team, but at the same time, the team has violated the opportunity to score. If, however, the possibility can not be achieved, if the judge gives the sentence a fixed team, who made a previous violation.
- Record when a match report on the outcome of the game, giving players including penalties and / or team official, on the other incidents that occurred before, during and after the game.
- Act as official timekeeper / secretary appointed, was not present.
- Fix suspend or terminate the match for any irregularities caused by the form of external intervention.
- Providing penalties for the wrong player and remove player.
- Ensure / assure that no one permission to enter the field.
- Pause the game, if it deems that a player is seriously injured and ensures that it moved to the area.
- Allows the game continued to play a ball game, the player, in his opinion only minor injuries.
- Ensure that the ball used meets the Rule # 2

Judge Decision
All judge's decisions on the facts of the play are final and can not be changed.
The judge and other judges may only modify its decision, meaning that if they make a mistake, or if they think that it is necessary to make the assumption that the game will not play again or not (yet) has been completed.

Resolution 1
If the judge and another judge at the same time the signals at the same time and there is a violation of the distinction is justified by the decision wasitlah.

The judge and another judge has the right to remove or warn the player, but if there is a difference between them, then keep wasitlah decision is justified.


Another Judge


The second judge was appointed to run the other side of the field position of the judge. He was also allowed to use a whistle. Second, the judges will judge in accordance with the Rules .- look at the game the game is to finish the game for each violation of the regulations.
- Ensure that the exchanges baik.Dalam it is often the case in which the other does not comply with the judge, who has been determined, the judge will re-release of his duties each judge and another judge, in turn, regulate. After the game to notify the officers who berwenang.KEPUTUSAN
Judges are required to use a different international competitions.

Rule #7

The judge and the timekeeper

Timekeeper (timekeeper), and the third was appointed judges. They sat outside in the middle of the field side, one side of the substitutions. Timekeeper and the third judge is equipped with a clock / timers according to (a stopwatch), and other equipment necessary to accumulate the number of offenses, provided the owner of a club or association in the field.

Timepiece (Time Keeper)
Ensuring that for a long time to adjust to the provisions of Article 8:
- Running hours counter / timers (stopwatch) after the kick off (kick-off).
- Stopping the clock (chronometer) when the ball is not in the game.
- Starting back in the game after the kick, the goal (the ball goal), corner kick, free kick, penalty kick from the point or points penalty each time-out or referee dropping the ball.
--The time-out (snack) for one minute.
- Checking for exactly two minutes, than to punish, if a player is issued (to send).
- Displays the first half of the game and the final end of the game extra time and the end of time-outs with the whistle or other sound signals differ by a judge.
- Record all the time-outs remaining for each team, team, and the judge shall be authorized and properly time-out at the request of coaches for both teams (Article 8)
- Take note of the first five errors in each team, which is registered in each half of the game and the judge gives the signal, the fifth one team made a mistake.

THREE judges
The third judge helped a record time of:
- Take note of the first five errors in each round, each player registered as a judge and the fifth signal when an error is made in one of the team.
- Record game suspension and the reasons therefor.
- Record number of players who scored.
- Take note of the names and number of players who receive a warning and released.
- Provide / relevant information about the game.

If unacceptable interference / excesses committed timekeeper or the third judge, the judge released them to bind the parties, or arrange for replacement and report to the competent authority after the game.

With regard to injuries, the third judge can be replaced by another judge or a judge.

Resolution 1
International meetings, is required to use a timekeeper and third referee.

Decision 2
International meetings, hours (after fitting) must be adapted to all the necessary functions (recording time, a tool to take notes, than to punish the players at the same time 3:58 / same time) and monitor the collection of errors for each team during each round of games

Rules of Games Part #3



A player must not use equipment or wear anything that he or other players, including some form of jewelry at risk.

Basic Equipment
Basic equipment required of a player:
- Uniform or costume.
- Shorts - like the players wear shorts in stretch pants, the same color as the main shorts.
- Socks.
- Safety foot (shin).
- Shoes with a model that allowed for the use of cloth or soft leather or gymnastic shoes with soles of rubber or something similar. The use of footwear.

Uniform or costume
- Given a number between 1-15 and should appear on the back of the costume.
- The color numbers must be different and more contrast with the color of her dress.

For international competitions, the number on the front of the costume in a smaller size.

SAFETY LEGS (Shinguards)
- General safety distance must be covered by socks.
- Made from a suitable material (rubber, plastic or similar material).
- Must ensure an appropriate level of protection.

- Goalkeeper is allowed to wear trousers, on the outside should be covered with socks.
- Every goalie wear colors that are easy to distinguish from other players and referees.
- If a player off the field who want to replace the goalkeeper, substitute goalkeeper to wear clothes, the player will be marked on the back with the songs from the player itself.

For any violation of this regulation:
- Players who make mistakes will be instructed by the referee to the ground, leave correct equipment or complete one of the missing equipment or not used. Players are not allowed in the field, without first reporting to a referee, who then checks the player equipment. The player is allowed to come back when the ball out of the game (Pls the ball out of play)

If the referee stop the game (temporarily) a warning and shows a yellow card against the player (a) violation.
- Start a return match with an indirect free kick was the player of the opposing of where the ball
was when the referee stopped the contest

1. Players may not with t-shirts with slogans or advertising.
Players who show off T-shirt slogans and advertising must be approved by the board in competition.
2. T-shirt with sleeves.

Rules of Games Part #2

RULE # 2


The ball should be:
- Shaped round.
- Made of leather or other materials.
- Minimum and maximum diameter of 62 cm 64 cm.
- Weight ball when the game up to a minimum of 400 grams and 440 grams begins.
- The pressure is equal to 0.4 to 0.6 atmospheres (400-600 g / cm ³).

If the ball is cracked or damaged in a game:
- The game is interrupted.
- The game started again, by the replacement ball at the spot where the first ball is damaged.
If the ball is damaged or if the ball is in play when the game begins, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or a kick in:
- The game began again in accordance with the usual rules.
- The ball may not be replaced during the game without permission of the referee.

Ball Leather laken / fur (felt balls) is not allowed.

The ball may impact not less than 55 cm and not more than 65 inches on the first bounce, when from a height of 2 m. be dropped in a game or contest, required only balls that meet the minimum technical requirements in Rule No. 2 is allowed, is used.

In a game or competition of FIFA and other games under the supervision of the Federal Government, use Futsal ball logo, depends on three requirements listed on the ball:
The official "FIFA APPROVED" or "FIFA INSPECTED" References "International Match Ball Standard"

The logo is on the ball, the ball has been officially and in conformity with the technical requirements, the printed specifications tested each different category in Rule 2, a list of additional requirements in each category of the FIFA issued stated amount. The carrier, the FIFA, which is appointed to conduct the test.

National Association, the use of ball for the competition itself or the entire competition was used to be approved, the ball used one of the predefined requirements of Rule # 2
If the national association can be the use of balls bearing the "FIFA APPROVED" or "FIFA INSPECTED" for the competition itself, is the national association, the use of a ball that holds the license-free design "Match Ball International Standard" should be allowed.

In FIFA competition and other competitions under the auspices of the confederations and associations not all forms of advertising printed on the ball are allowed, except for the poster competition, the organizers of the competition as well as brands by limiting the size and number of these characters.

Rule # 3


Played in every game by two teams, each team has five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper.

Substitutions may be at any time during the tournament by the official competition rules by FIFA, association or konfedarasi be granted.
The number of reserve players, or replacement of a maximum of seven players.
The number of substitutions during a game is not limited. A player who has been replaced may return to replace in the field to the other players.

Substitutions may at the time the ball is inside or outside the game, by the following requirements:
- Players who want to leave the field, you should pergantiannya own area.
- Players who want to enter the field, it must at its own pergantiannya area, but is carried out after the player who has passed the boundary of the field changed.
- Substitution of players is very dependent on the authority of the referee, whether they play or not mentioned.
- Substitution is regarded as valid, as the substitute has entered the field, at which time the player has become an active player and the player he replaced has come and stop an active player.

The goalkeeper may change places with other players.


If a substitution will be made, leaving a reserve player on the pitch before the player's box to complete, then replaced:
- The game was canceled.
- The player who replaces ordered to leave the field.
- Replaces is cautioned, shown the yellow card.
- The game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from where the ball was located when play was stopped.
- If the ball in the penalty area, indirect free kick from the edge line is, from one place to the position of the ball is closest when the game was halted done done.

If done at the time of the substitutions, replacements or substitutes enter the field not leave the field or area of ​​the substitutions that have specified, then:
- The game was canceled.
- Players who are injured cautioned and shown the yellow card.
The game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from where the ball was located when play was stopped.

If the ball in the penalty area, is indirect free kick from the penalty area line from the nearest point, which has been the position of the ball at the break did.

At the beginning of the game, each team playing with five players.

If in a game where the player is issued, then the remaining players less than three players (including goalkeeper) are, the game should be stopped permanently.

Managers can give tactical instructions to his players during a game. But team officials can not be allowed / not interfere with the movement of players and referees, and should always apply to the fair.

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Rules of Games

Rule # 1


Field should be a square. In addition to limiting field line must be greater than the goal line:
Length: Minimal25 m, maximum 42 m
Width: minimum 15 m maximum 25 m
International Size match:
Length: minimum 38, maximum 42 m
Width: at least 18 m, maximum 22 m

Field Court

- Field marked with lines. The line includes field lines. Longer lines are called side lines (line reached) and shorter is called the goal line (goal line).
- 8 cm width lines.
- The field is divided into two and given the midline.
- The midpoint of a line marked on the ground and half-circle from the point of being done with a radius of 3 m.

Penalty area
Penalty area is marked on each end of the land, as follows:
- A quarter circle with a radius of 6 m, drafted as a center outside of each gate.
- A quarter of a circle line drawn at right angles to the goal line outside the goalposts. Top of each quarter of a circle connected by a line over 3.16 m, in the form of parallel / parallel to the goal line between the goalposts.

Penalty points
- Penalty Point first described by 6 m from the midpoint between the goalposts with the same distance.

SECOND penalty points
Penalty points first is described in field 10 m from the midpoint between the goalposts same distance.

A corner kick
A quarter circle with a radius of 25 cm in extracts from any angle.

Substitutions REGIONAL
Bench area of ​​land located on the second place team in the meeting on the same side, making it easier for replacements.

Substitution area is located in the front seat, with a length of 5 m. This area is marked on each side with a line intersecting the side lines, with line width of 8 cm length and 80 cm, 40 cm is described in the field and 40 cm outside the field.

Region-Free within 5 m of the center line and side line. This free zone directly in front of the timekeeper and able to remain empty and free to view.

Gate should be placed in the middle of each line empty. Wicket consists of two goalposts (empty post) the same thing at each corner and connected with the top of the pole by a horizontal bar (cross bar).

The distance between the pole and crossbar 3 m distance from the top of the ground below the crossbar is 2 m.

Both goalposts and the crossbar have the same width and 8 cm. Can be made of nylon mesh connected goalposts and crossbar behind dibahagian given load.

The goalkeeper may be removed, but must be securely attached during the game.

Ground surface must be smooth, flat and not abusive. Suggested use wood floor parakeets, or other artificial materials. To be avoided is the use of materials from concrete blocks or Korn.


If the goal line, between 15 and 16 million, then a quarter of a circle radius is measured only at 4m. In this case, mark the point penalty is not placed on a limited line of the penalty area, but are still at a distance of 6m from the middle of the positions of the two goalposts.

Using a flat field and a natural or artificial turf lawn is permitted only to the local match, but not for games that are nationally and internationally.

Marks / points can be drawn on the ground, 5 m from the arc in the upper right corner and left the goal line to ensure that this distance can be observed when a corner kick. Width of the sign / this point is 8 cm.

Bench seats, hidden behind the right field line, in addition to the free area in front of the table timekeeper.

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The development of Salon Futbol or Futebol Salao now known in many countries futsal can be traced back to 1930 in Montevideo, Uruguay, the same year the inaugural World Cup was held in the country. This early form of futbol Sala (futsal) was developed by Juan Carlos Ceriani to be played at YMCAs. Ceriani game was intended for five players per team, and could be played indoors or outdoors. At about the same time, played a similar form of football on the basketball courts were being developed in São Paulo, Brazil. These new forms of football were quickly adopted throughout South America. The Brazilian Association of Sport launched its first official rules of Futebol de Salao 1958th

The international governing body FIFUSA (Federación Internacional de Fútbol de salon, International Futsal Federation) was formed in 1971 to administer the game, and held its first futsal World Championships in Sao Paulo 1982nd Because of an apparent conflict with FIFA over the administration of Fútbol, ​​FIFUSA coined word FUT-hall in 1985, while the United States Futsal Federation coined the name "Futsal" the same year.

FIFA soon began to administer its own indoor football games, create their own version of the rules and hosting its first FIFA Indoor Soccer World Cup 1989 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1992 was the FIFA Five-a-side World Cup (Hong Kong) and since 1996 it has been called the FIFA Futsal Championship (Guatemala). One of the most notable change was the reduction of the ball weight and increased ball size (from a handball size to a football size 4), which enabled faster play and for the first time, scoring goals with his head (although this is still difficult and uncommon) .

In 2002, members PANAFUTSAL (La Confederación Panamericana de Futsal, Pan-American Futsal Confederation) formed AMF (Asociación Mundial de Fútbol de salon, World Futsal Association), an international futsal governing body that is independent of FIFA. Both FIFA and AMF continue to administer the game.

Some professional players start with futsal to build fundamental skills. Brazilian player Ronaldinho, Robinho, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Juninho and many more began to play Futsal. There are also some notable players who Falcão who continue to play futsal at the club level.

Variations on Futsal Game

Futsal is indoor soccer approved by FIFA as the variable. You have it inside a small, hard to play on a hard surface. No walls in this area, and is very similar to a basketball court.

Any time there are five players on the Arena, goalie included. Unlimited players are allowed to switch, which means they have to sub the players throughout their shift to go all out.

This game is very fast, and successful, you must be a short pass at the Incredible Hulk. Short passes and the game will rule, and - go. The last one to get on the players, but much more effective and can be passed combinations of goals scored up to the field.

Because it is difficult to to do and more than a regular soccer ball, it is necessary to close the entire game on the ground until someone shoots it!

Futsal is a strange game, and because it is sanctioned by FIFA, there are many tournaments and competitions.

Futsal is really different from the North American indoor soccer. First, it played a particularly hard surface rather than on the turf. It is also a regular outside to play. Outdoor Soccer Futsal as it is more than both combined.

Futsal is normally larger than the District Court, and more importantly, there are walls on the sides of the arena. You have to play off the walls, which can make the game adds a new part.

North American indoor, while still focused on passing, dribbling too much, but especially on the sidelines. Since attackers defenders out of bounds (not because of the walls) can force the attackers more likely to try to dribble past his defender.

North American indoor game, which includes a number of different strategies and adds a whole new part. It is interesting to some people and not others, so before you sign up to watch a game!

Indoor soccer is a European equivalent of North American soccer, so this is a short section.

North American indoor soccer, indoor soccer fields in the European Theatre as required. The difference is that the European indoor, instead they use to Futsal. This is an interesting dynamic where the North American indoor soccer is more than making the pass, because it is difficult to dribble.

If you live in Europe, this variable, you should check out, it sure is fun.

Friday 28 October 2011

More About Futsal

Futsal more

Futsal, 5 vs 5 what it is. 4 players and 1 keeper. Futsal is known in many countries, is probably the largest in Italy and Brazil. In these countries can earn very good money when you play futsal, 5 vs 5 what it is. 4 players and 1 keeper. Futsal is known in many countries, is probably the largest in Italy and Brazil. In these countries can earn very good money if you play professionally. Of course, far from the 11 a side football in the money supply, but still very good money.

Why should you play Futsal, well ... it is quite easy. If you are serious about their football and you certainly should play futsal every week sometime. It improves your skills in 1 vs 1 challenges, and also let you know how to play the game very fast. It requires great skill to be good at futsal player. Even if you're just playing for fun, I promise that you will find very funny futsal. There is a futsal clubs in most countries, they might not be great, but they are available. Do some research in your area, and I'm sure you'll find something.

Just to give you one example of the most popular players to ... not to forget, he is also one of the best players today, began his career playing indoor Futsal pitch. Futsal skills gave him an extreme and amazing tricks. He took those skills and tricks to a great pitch, and he became one of the best players of all time. Ronaldinho! There are loads of great players who started in Futsal but it was a regular football. If you get a good balance between all of the necessary skills to get a pitch, you will also get the extra skills you really do not get from only playing 11 a side.

If you love the game, I really suggest you join futsal team. You have the ball so much for the football game.

Some of the best Futsal player Falcão is, Vanenburg and Edje. Search for these names and you'll see the amazing skills!

Futsal, 5 vs 5 what it is. 4 players and 1 keeper. Futsal is known in many countries, is probably the largest in Italy and Brazil. In these countries can earn very good money if you play professionally. Of course, far from the 11 a side football in the money supply, but still very good money.

Why should you play Futsal, well ... it is quite easy. If you are serious about their football and you certainly should play futsal every week sometime. It improves your skills in 1 vs 1 challenges, and also let you know how to play the game very fast. It requires great skill to be good at futsal player. Even if you're just playing for fun, I promise that you will find very funny futsal. There is a futsal clubs in most countries, they might not be great, but they are available. Do some research in your area, and I'm sure you'll find something.

Just to give you one example of the most popular players to ... not to forget, he is also one of the best players today, began his career playing indoor Futsal pitch. Futsal skills gave him an extreme and amazing tricks. He took those skills and tricks to a great pitch, and he became one of the best players of all time. Ronaldinho! There are loads of great players, who started in Futsal but it was a regular football. If you get a good balance between all of the necessary skills to get a pitch, you will also get the extra skills you really do not get from only playing 11 a side.

If you love the game, I really suggest you join futsal team. You have the ball so much for the football game.

Some of the best Futsal player Falcão is, Vanenburg and Edje. Search for these names and you'll see the amazing skills!

vprofessionally. Of course, far from the 11 a side football in the money supply, but still very good money.

Why should you play Futsal, well ... it is quite easy. If you are serious about their football and you certainly should play futsal every week sometime. It improves your skills in 1 vs 1 challenges, and also let you know how to play the game very fast. It requires great skill to be good at futsal player. Even if you're just playing for fun, I promise that you will find very funny futsal. There is a futsal clubs in most countries, they might not be great, but they are available. Do some research in your area, and I'm sure you'll find something.

Just to give you one example of the most popular players to ... not to forget, he is also one of the best players today, began his career playing indoor Futsal pitch. Futsal skills gave him an extreme and amazing tricks. He took those skills and tricks to a great pitch, and he became one of the best players of all time. Ronaldinho! There are loads of great players who started in Futsal but it was a regular football. If you get a good balance between all of the necessary skills to get a pitch, you will also get the extra skills you really do not get from only playing 11 a side.

If you love the game, I really suggest you join futsal team. You have the ball so much for the football game.

Some of the best Futsal player Falcão is, Vanenburg and Edje. Search for these names and you'll see the amazing skills!


Ronaldinho, Messi, Zidane, Kaka, Cesc Fabregas and Cristiano Ronaldo have in common? They have great ball skills. These great players do not even think what to do with the ball, refers to the nature. This is a matter of a lot of balls and a lot of practical results. You know these great players have in common what else? They played futsal.

Futsal is the official version of FIFA soccer 5. The campaign is in the hard court surface play a ball around a small basketball court, soccer heavier size regulations. Replace "flying" and to maintain a fast start by limiting entry, corner kicks and goal 4 seconds. Although still at an early stage of development in North America, futsal in Italy, Brazil, Spain and Argentina and other countries is very popular.

Futsal fast flow, so that young players to improvise, be creative and use to control the ball and false other personal skills. It does not allow "kick and run" tactics to fight too small, too crowded. It requires players to think and act quickly Futsal court many more times, often only enough for one-touch. Players must be resourceful with their one-touch use any parts of the foot of the pass, redirect, flick, hit the ball.

Futsal always challenge the decision in the case of the ball forces the player to use technology appropriate to allow the fast transfer of players. No player ball are encouraged to make their way into space, and create passing options. Futsal fast delivery environment and move quickly to pass or "give" one of the best teachers. Have you ever noticed how FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi and company easily respond quickly attack a short pass? They played futsal.

Playing good football is played futsal development


Futsal began in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930, when Juan Carlos Ceriani created a version for the soccer competition at the YMCA. In Brazil, this version is built on the streets of Sao Paulo, and, finally, a rule book was published. Sport began to spread throughout South America, and the popularity that ensures that a government body set up under the name FIFUSA (Federacion Internacional de Fútbol de salon) in 1971, including the World Championships. The first World Championships held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil crowned champions ahead with a host of Paraguay. More countries participate in the second World Championship held in Las Vegas in the early 2000s. Because the dispute between FIFA and the football FIFUSA for administration, FIFUSA coined the word fut-sal in 1985. United States Futsal Federation, the National Association first called themselves "Futsal" (September 3, 1986 - United States, California Art of incorporation) after taking the hyphen out of the name used by FIFUSA and have FIFA Futsal include the name Article 27 status in 1989.

FIFA took control of the World Championship in 1989. Under the new rules made by FIFA, the technical aspects of the game for players and spectators increased. The Linesman is replaced by a second referee, and there are limited substitution. It also introduced a size 4 football, weighted to reduce bounce by 30% compared to conventional ball, which allows to play faster and, for the first time, scored on his head.


Futsal is a variant of association football is played on a smaller and mainly played indoors. Its name comes from the Portuguese and Spanish salão Futebol de Futbol de Salon (colloquially Futbol sala), which can be translated as "football space" or "indoor football". During the second world sports championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name used Futbol Sala. Since then, all other names have been changed officially and internationally into futsal.

Futsal is played between two teams each with five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitution was allowed. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a surface bounded by a line of hard courts; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less mental than regular football. Rules make the emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces.