Saturday 29 October 2011

Patterns in Futsal Game

Playing futsal is not much different from playing football in general, need stamina strength and mental strategies. There is little fundamental difference in the game and setting the pattern of attacks.

The pattern of play in a game dominated Futsal foot to foot, in an environment meant to survive and attack becomes much more with short passes, given the size of the field is smaller than a football field. With this pattern of skills and teamwork, especially in the treatment of the ball, feeding, maintaining the defense and attack the opponent's necessary. In Futsal rarely applied to large runs, this strategy is a waste of energy, and also does not reflect a good game and nice views. However, instead of being prohibited or not recommended, stay behind the person himself, like how to play the game of Futsal.

The rarity of these techniques applied, it is harder to create a beautiful pattern of the game, nice views and a beautiful goal. Similarly headed the ball, the goals could be established with the head looks good and nice to see, especially if the attack was a structured attack plans. Well now live how to make a plan and play a good strategy, so there was definitely some things that are the main focus in creating a good game pattern.

1. Sovereignty of the ball.

To train the control of the ball in the first stage is to focus on strength and flexibility in movement of the foot, as explained in Article Tips warming up before playing futsal, heating is necessary to do so as often as possible to harmonize dribling the movement of the foot and the ball may be a variant of the zig-zag.

2. Players composition.

To form a good team, look at the ability of each player in control of the ball, setting up attacks and menyerang.Tempatkan players who have modeled the movement of the foot meeting as a defender, met here means traffic model does not very long legs, may be more useful to inhibit the rate of motion of the ball of the opponent, and vice versa on the type of player movement over the length can be used as an attacker. To get an average figure that has the ability to adjust the attack and more preferred is the ability stamin excellent, considering the position lets you do and endure assault.

3. Technical standards and toys.

Number Futsal players can make 5 or 6 people, including the goalkeeper. The placement of players who fit depending on the nature and style of play each position will be more balance in defense and attack patterns, and for items that can be applied as follows.

Number of players 5 people:
Pattern 1-2-2

Number of players 6 people:
1. 1-2-1-2 pattern
For this pattern a goalkeeper people, 2 people left and right back, a midfielder and two strikers left and right. At the last position of all in his own area with the pattern:

Midfield playmaker who can lure the position of the two attackers, and the ball can, all three positions in the hole for the ball to find the target, the opponent will be played. Duty back left / right movement in addition to maintaining the opponent, there is a separation of duties to the dead ball territory when the ball is dead right and take the ball back, and vice versa, not their position. To focus on regional / territory to keep her. Although the problem of the attack and midfield for the defense, midfield and that helped a lot of stamina and skills that are more pronounced.

2. 1-2-3 Patterns
This pattern can be used to hold the position of two defenders and attackers are able to help, of course, the power of two cases not only protect the strong defender, but also the ability for that attack, the attacker is be free to drill through the opposing defense. This pattern is expected that more complex example of an attack.

3. 1-1-2-2 pattern

This model makes no hanging back position behind the two main actors, it's for the back so he could escape with a single, simple attack that can escape from the defensive midfield area. Control, which is owned by a single return, this truly exceptional, capable of playing ball and attacks opponents pergerankan, however it also has a strong physical, mangingat position between a single return in parallel with the midfield, in this position will be good race attack from the left or right, and of course cooperation and solidarity with the position, the quarterback is needed.

In this model, the location of the defense help right or left functionalized down to help a single return and from that position this wing must have a speed that must be done immediately behind the attack and defense.

In this model, dead ball left or right, then right onto the ball, which is each wing, not left to a single return, recalling when performed by a single return, if he does happening in the defense, the defensive position is vacant so afraid. Of all the models described above, generally used as the optimization of attack patterns or patterns to survive in a game itself, so that players can understand the strategy of the game and concentrate on the task of each player.

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