Saturday 29 October 2011

Rules of Games Part #2

RULE # 2


The ball should be:
- Shaped round.
- Made of leather or other materials.
- Minimum and maximum diameter of 62 cm 64 cm.
- Weight ball when the game up to a minimum of 400 grams and 440 grams begins.
- The pressure is equal to 0.4 to 0.6 atmospheres (400-600 g / cm ³).

If the ball is cracked or damaged in a game:
- The game is interrupted.
- The game started again, by the replacement ball at the spot where the first ball is damaged.
If the ball is damaged or if the ball is in play when the game begins, goal kick, corner kick, free kick, penalty kick or a kick in:
- The game began again in accordance with the usual rules.
- The ball may not be replaced during the game without permission of the referee.

Ball Leather laken / fur (felt balls) is not allowed.

The ball may impact not less than 55 cm and not more than 65 inches on the first bounce, when from a height of 2 m. be dropped in a game or contest, required only balls that meet the minimum technical requirements in Rule No. 2 is allowed, is used.

In a game or competition of FIFA and other games under the supervision of the Federal Government, use Futsal ball logo, depends on three requirements listed on the ball:
The official "FIFA APPROVED" or "FIFA INSPECTED" References "International Match Ball Standard"

The logo is on the ball, the ball has been officially and in conformity with the technical requirements, the printed specifications tested each different category in Rule 2, a list of additional requirements in each category of the FIFA issued stated amount. The carrier, the FIFA, which is appointed to conduct the test.

National Association, the use of ball for the competition itself or the entire competition was used to be approved, the ball used one of the predefined requirements of Rule # 2
If the national association can be the use of balls bearing the "FIFA APPROVED" or "FIFA INSPECTED" for the competition itself, is the national association, the use of a ball that holds the license-free design "Match Ball International Standard" should be allowed.

In FIFA competition and other competitions under the auspices of the confederations and associations not all forms of advertising printed on the ball are allowed, except for the poster competition, the organizers of the competition as well as brands by limiting the size and number of these characters.

Rule # 3


Played in every game by two teams, each team has five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper.

Substitutions may be at any time during the tournament by the official competition rules by FIFA, association or konfedarasi be granted.
The number of reserve players, or replacement of a maximum of seven players.
The number of substitutions during a game is not limited. A player who has been replaced may return to replace in the field to the other players.

Substitutions may at the time the ball is inside or outside the game, by the following requirements:
- Players who want to leave the field, you should pergantiannya own area.
- Players who want to enter the field, it must at its own pergantiannya area, but is carried out after the player who has passed the boundary of the field changed.
- Substitution of players is very dependent on the authority of the referee, whether they play or not mentioned.
- Substitution is regarded as valid, as the substitute has entered the field, at which time the player has become an active player and the player he replaced has come and stop an active player.

The goalkeeper may change places with other players.


If a substitution will be made, leaving a reserve player on the pitch before the player's box to complete, then replaced:
- The game was canceled.
- The player who replaces ordered to leave the field.
- Replaces is cautioned, shown the yellow card.
- The game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from where the ball was located when play was stopped.
- If the ball in the penalty area, indirect free kick from the edge line is, from one place to the position of the ball is closest when the game was halted done done.

If done at the time of the substitutions, replacements or substitutes enter the field not leave the field or area of ​​the substitutions that have specified, then:
- The game was canceled.
- Players who are injured cautioned and shown the yellow card.
The game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from where the ball was located when play was stopped.

If the ball in the penalty area, is indirect free kick from the penalty area line from the nearest point, which has been the position of the ball at the break did.

At the beginning of the game, each team playing with five players.

If in a game where the player is issued, then the remaining players less than three players (including goalkeeper) are, the game should be stopped permanently.

Managers can give tactical instructions to his players during a game. But team officials can not be allowed / not interfere with the movement of players and referees, and should always apply to the fair.

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