Saturday 29 October 2011

Rules of Games Part #5

Playing time

TIME FOR A TIME-OUT (waiting time)
Each team is entitled to time for time-out request for one minute in each round, the following conditions may be applied [/ li] [/ list] get-out time:
- The coach of the team is entitled to the timekeeper to time out to ask for a minute.
- Time-out for a minute at any time may be required, but only if the team keeps the ball (the ball).
- Timer can be allowed for time-outs when the ball is not in the game with a whistle or other audible signals differ from those used by the referees.
- Is given in time-out, the players must remain within the field. , In parallel with the seating and reserve team players - If during the break, they want to receive instructions from officials of the team can, in this way, only just on the field lines are carried out (line side). Officials, the statement should not be there in the box.
- Teams that are not time-out in the first half, in the second half of the team's only suitable for one-time time-out.

Rest period between rounds may not be longer than 15 minutes.


If the timer does not exist, the coach asked for time-out for the referee.

If the competition rules provide that an extension of the deadline at the end of normal time instead, then there is no time-outs during the extension (extra time) is.


The selection of the place decided by coin toss. The team that wins the toss decides which goal to attack fit into the first round.

Other teams in the first round occurred at the beginning of the game.

The team that coin to start the first kick in the second half of the game wins.

In the second half of the match the teams change places (bank) and attack the opponent's goal.

Kick off (kick-off)
Kick-off is a way to start the game:
- Corresponds to the beginning of the first round.
- After the target printed / created.
- At the beginning of the second half of the match.
- At the beginning of each period of extra time, if done.
- Targets can be printed / straight from the kick-off created.

- All players are in their own half. Opponents of the team carrying out the kick-off at least 3 m away from the ball until the ball is in play.
- The ball is placed dititik middle of the field.
- The referee gives a signal to the kick-off to start.
- At the beginning of the game kick-off a legitimate, if the ball is kicked and moves forward.
- Kicker must touch the ball a second time, until the ball has been touched / other players.
Once a team scores, which kick-started by the other team (Team opponent) did

VIOLATION sanctions
- If the kicker touches the ball touched a second time before it hits / from another player, then an indirect free kick to the opposing team, carried from the scene of the crime.
- If the offense by a player in the opposing penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line from the nearest place where the injury occurred did.
- For each violation of the kick-off procedure the kick-off

Dropping the ball is a way to start the game after a temporary suspension, dropping the ball is a way to continue the game, no more, because the ball was dead. Or the game was not stopped because the ball is not on the sideline or goal line or for any reason mentioned in the rules of the game.

A referee the ball fall into the place where the ball was interrupted at play when it into the box, which in this case he had the ball in the penalty area line, nearest the spot where the ball was when the game is stopped. The game begins again, or the ball is in play when the ball touches the ground.

VIOLATION sanctions
The ball was again / again dropped ..
- If the ball is touched by a player before the ball touches the ground surface (soil).
- When the ball leaves the playing field after contact with the ground without being touched by a player.

- Free kick awarded to the team last in his own penalty area, can be performed inside the penalty area from any point.
- Indirect free kick, the team attacker in the penalty area of ​​the opponent team, should the penalty area line at the narrowest point, where the offense was made / will happen.
- Dropping the ball to start the game in the penalty area, must be above the penalty area line at the narrowest point where the ball will be deemed made at the break.

RULE #10

About his ball-game
Ball out of play when:
- The whole ball passes the goal line, whether rolling or floating.
- The game the referee has been suspended.
- The ball touches the ceiling.

Ball in the game at any time if:
- The ball bounces off the goalpost or the crossbar and bounced into the field.
- The ball bounces / touch the referees, as they have one in the field.

If the game is played / took place in a hall and the ball inadvertently touched the ceiling, the game is in the back with a kick on, goes to the opponents of the team that last touched the ball. Occurs at a point on the line below the ceiling closest to where the ball touched it done.

Rule #11

GOAL signed goalkeeper
Unless otherwise specified by this rule, one can say when is the overarching goal, the ball crossed the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar, provided that the ball is not thrown, carried or driven deliberately by the hand of a player from the team of attackers, including goalkeeper.

The team that scored the number of goals during the game is the winner. If both teams scored the same or not printed / created goals, then the game declared a draw or tie.

For a game that ended in a draw, competition rules may state provisions that an extension of time or kicks from the penalty spot to have to determine the winner.

RULE #12

Misstep and faulty behavior
Direct free kick
Direct free kick to the opposing team if a player does one of the six types of violations below, with the observation of the referee and it is an act that is less careful to use harsh or excessive force:
- Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent.
- Or try to block the opponent's wedge.
- Crashing the opponent.
- Encourage your opponent, even with the shoulder.
- Hit or tried to hit the opponent.
- Encourage your opponents.

Direct free kick is also on the opposing team if a player does the following offenses:
- Holding an opponent.
- Spitting at an opponent.
- Implementation of a sliding tackle to try to steal the ball when the ball is driven / controlled by the enemy. With the exception of the goalkeeper pinaltinya own area and the condition that he not play carefully, rude, or with excessive force.
- Touching the opponent before, when you try to control the ball.
- Holding the ball intentionally with the exception of his own goalkeeper pinaltinya area.

Performed with a direct free kick from the spot where the violation occurred.

All violations mentioned is a collection of accumulated offenses.

Awarded a penalty when a player pinaltinya own field, no matter where the ball's position, but has until the ball or the ball is violated in the game of life.

Indirect free kick
Indirect free kick to the opposing team if a goalkeeper has made one of the following offenses:
- After releasing the ball from his hands he received from his teammates (with feet / hands), before he played the center line, or before or not touched by an opposing player was.
- Touch or possession of the ball with his hand as he deliberately returned to him by his teammates (back pass).
- Touch or possession of the ball with his hands after he receives the ball directly from kick-in conducted by his team mates.
- Touch or possession of the ball with the hands or feet, more than four seconds.

Indirect free kick to the opposing team, playing in place of the violation, if in the opinion of the referee, a player:
- Playing in a dangerous manner.
- By intentionally obstruct an opposing player's movement without the ball to him (which meant the ball is in play).
- Preventing the goalkeeper the ball from his hands.
- Perform other injuries that are not in Rule 12, which was where the game is finished to give a warning or remove a player to be mentioned.

Indirect free kick to the opposing team, from the place where the violation occurred. Unless there is in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest the place where the offense was done.

Yellow cards and red cards can only be displayed to the player or the (players) backup.

The referee has the power to decide disciplinary action, the players, from the day they entered the field, leave the pitch after the final whistle signals.

Violators will be ADVISED
A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card if it performs the following violations:
- Because of an unsportsmanlike act.
- Shows the difference in opinion by word or act cast that is not good.
- Fixed violated the rules.
- Slow down or stop when you restart the game.
- Out of order, to maintain a certain distance when you have finished corner kick, kick in, free kick or kick.
- Login or return the field without the referee's permission or in violation of a substitution process.
- By intentionally leaving the field without permission of the referee.

For each violation, and the opponent an indirect free kick is awarded, the city conducted on the occurrence of the violation. When this injury occurs in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest to the place where the injury was done, and in addition to the player a warning by showing a yellow card.

VIOLATION of players who exhibited CAN CAUSE
A player or substitute and shown the red card if he has one of the following offenses on display:
- The players play very hard.
- Players have a rough plot.
- Spitting at an opponent or another person.
- Block the opponent score a goal or a goalscoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball in a way that is not permitted in the regulations (this does not apply to the goalkeeper in his pinaltinya area).
- Fails the opposing player, the opportunity for a goal by forward towards the player's goal was. By offense punishable by a free kick or penalty kick.
- Remove the words that are offensive or word diatribe.
- You receive warnings (yellow cards), both in the same game.

DECISION and assertion
If a game is suspended for violation of the player No.6 or No.7, without violating other rules, then the game is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team and a place where the first violation occurred. When this injury occurs in the penalty area, then an indirect free kick from the penalty area line nearest to the place where the injury occurred last done.

First A player by the referee (submit) are released is not running kepermainan come back, or sit dibangku player must leave the reserve and around the field. Reserve players can be spent in the field two minutes after his team mate, unless the opponent's goal, created before the two-minute period ended, and the players were permitted to enter legally represented by the timekeeper. In this case, the set of rules as follows:

If the game can be, there are 5 players against 4 players and teams with a larger number of players to score, then the team with only four players enter a fifth player -.
- If both teams play with four players and a goal, both teams keep playing the same amount.
- When in a game where there are 5 players against 3 players or 4 players play against 3 players and teams with a larger number of players to score, then the team with three players is to add just one player.
- If both teams with three players and a goal, both teams remain with the same number of players.
- If the team that scored one of the teams with fewer players is to continue the game without increasing the number of players.

Second Depending on the 12th of rules
The player may hand his / pass a ball to protect himself with his head (header on the ball with the head), with the chest or knee, and other means, provided that the ball hit the center line crosses (field) or have been affected is / touches or is played by opposing players.
But if done in the opinion of the referee, a player deliberately do the trick when the ball is in play to avoid this rule, the player was guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. The players are a warning and shows a yellow card and indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the violation occurred in such circumstances, to do nothing, then if the goalkeeper touches the ball with the hand or not.
Avoid violations of the players in an attempt to use the provisions and meaning of Rule 12 requires.

Third Attack that may endanger the safety of the opponent, it must be a very rough player (must be punished as serious foul play) will be sanctioned.

4th Every act of pretending, in the field is to deceive the referee, must be regarded as unsportsmanlike conduct (to be sanctioned as unsporting behavior) will be sanctioned.

5th Players take off the T-shirt / shirt when celebrating a goal should be a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct (Use caution for unsporting behavior) was added.

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